Close your eyes & imagine yourself at your ideal shape – Write down all the benefit points with being in better or your ideal shape.
Example questions you can ask yourself
–What can you do now your there?
–How do people see you?
–How do you feel in front of people?
– How does your partner see you?
– How do you feel about yourself?
–What do your kids think about you now?
–Can you play with kids on the beach now?
–Do you enjoy knowing you are the person you want to be?
Have your vision and goal visual– This will keep you inspired
Transfer all the strong emotional benefit points into visual statements and images and plaster them on a board or anywhere you look regularly.
- Dream boards
Identifying Weaknesses
We all have weaknesses, and identifying them is the first step to making successful changes.
- Identify any excuses you may be making. simply put there are no excuses.
- Are there any areas in which you need to start accepting responsibility for where you are now?
- You must identify those things which are just out of your control. Note: trying to control external factors is always going to lead to stress. Focus on control things you can control like your reactions, or how you think. Worrying about things that may happen in the future is wasted energy. A lot of the worst case situations never happen so just address them as they come with a calm perspective.
Success = Written emotionally powered goals
So what is an emotionally powered goal?
It is one which is intensely personal, which touches on your emotions to create powerful motivation to fuel your fat-loss journey.
“I love being lean, healthy and confident. I can go on long bush walks with friends on the weekend and take trips to the beach. I am calm and productive, I relief the stresses from my day through exercising. I realise maintaining happiness and a positive mindset is a choice and a habit of taking the time to be grateful for the simple most important things in life. I will happily strive to improve my life and position through positive action that will give me rewards in the mid to longer term. I love I have strength to maintain energy and motivation to achieve the small goals daily like exercise and healthy eating.”
Ok that is more of a power statement but you can power it up with anything that is important to you that could keep you accountable and motivated to your goals.
Most of the time when the goals are = I want to lose weight or I want a flat stomach. Truth is they are not a goal that will keep you eating and training every week to get to the goal so you need to dig really deep to continually have something to read of look at that will inspire you daily. Keep your eye on the ball.
Set measurable goals
- Weekly Targets
- Daily goals with food and sleep
- Set yourself daily & weekly goals that are inline with your long term goal that you can tick off to force yourself to be positive and motivated that you are heading in the right direction
Ensuring you can properly measure your goals enables you to gauge your progress, without measurement, your motivation may fizzle out before you reach your goals!
Setting realistic deadlines
- When setting deadlines, you need to know how much is realistic!
- Begin with a small loss per week (0.5kg) and gradually increase this amount (not much more than 1kg).
- Realistically we are aiming for around 0.5 – 1kg per week. Why?
- Losing fat not muscle is the aim
- Feeling satisfied and happy is better then feel deprived and unhappy
- You will be able to sustain the results
What is an average % of body fat?
This % varies among different genders and age groups
- The average man – average body fat is approximately 17%
- The average woman – average body fat is approximately 23%
REASON: The female hormone estrogen causes women to carry about 5% more body fat than men. As well as women having breast and uterine fatty tissue.
As you age, body fat increases while lean body mass decreases
Note: These are average ranges, not necessarily ideal ranges.
Set long and short term goals
Just one goal is not enough. Why? Because we tend to lose sight of our long term goal if we are not constantly setting smaller check-points along the way.
You need to:
- Set your ultimate long-term goal
- If your long term goal is longer than 12 months, try to set yearly goals as a progressive achievement of your ultimate goal.
- Setting relatively small and achievable monthly goals to be measured at monthly check’ins.
- Weekly goals on the small changes you have identified in Part 1 & 2 your success journal
- Daily goals to develop good habits
- The goal of beating your personal best.
Attaching emotional reasons
Once you have set your ultimate long term goal, Identify WHY you set that goal – the purpose behind it.
Run through the following steps in your head, constantly ask yourself why.
Step 1: What is your goal?
Step 2: Why do you want this? (Both emotionally and physically)
Step 3: How will this help your situation?
Step 4: Why?
Step 4: What’s the differences before and after you achieve your goal?
Step 5: Why?
Continue this step until you have a strong WHY and the true emotional reason behind your goal.
Power of Thought
Most behaviours are sub conscious, so it can be challenging to change them.
BUT all you need to do is identify any negative behaviours/habits.
These are the first things which need to be changed as they are the key factors preventing success.
You need to replace any negative beliefs with positive ones
For example: “I will probably never be what I weighed when I played netball, it’s too hard.” Change this to a positive. “I can be what I weighed when I played netball, if I just believe in myself and give 100% at my nutrition and exercise plans”.
Constantly think FORWARD – what it’s going to be like and how things will be better
Ensure you don’t have any conflicting goals which may detract from your ultimate goal. Focus on the most important
No excuses
Negative statements and self-defeating questions
- I can’t lose weight no matter what I do.
- Why can’t I lose this last 5 kgs?
- Why is it so hard for me to lose weight?
- I have a slow metabolism.
- Why can everyone else lose weight except me? It’s not fair.
- It’s not my fault because I don’t have good genetics.
- I don’t want to be fat anymore.
- I wish I could get rid of this gut.
- It’ll never work because I like food too much.
- I don’t have the willpower to get lean.
- I would work out but I don’t have time.
- I just can’t get myself up that early to work out.
- I hate being fat.
- I’ll never see my abs.
- I hate cardio.
Positive Powerful Statements
- How can I lose fat and enjoy the process?
- What can I do today that will help me get closer to my weight loss goal?
- What can I eat right now at this meal that will help me lose body fat?
- How great am I going to feel after I finish my workout today?
- My metabolism is getting faster every day.
- I am getting leaner every day.
- I like the way I look.
- I am 100% responsible for my results.
- Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.
- I like eating healthy foods.
- I love working out.
- Training early in the morning is exhilarating.
- I have time for anything I am committed to.
Writing your affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements which are repeated to bring about change in the subconscious mind.
They Must be personal – Use the word “I” “I AM” or “I have”
–Your subconscious only responds to commands given to it in a personal manner. Anything you say after “I AM” has power.
E.g. “I am so happy and thankful now that I am________________” (fill in your goal).
They must be written in present tense – To your subconscious mind, there is no future.
- Always write, think and visualize your goal as if you have already achieved it
- Write what you want, not what you want to avoid
Read your affirmations at least twice a day and always keep your goals in front of you and on your mind
- Images of objects, people, places, words or phrases which you find particularly powerful, anything that inspires you to stay motivated
- It needs to be in a place you will see it everyday
- The cover of your Success Journal
- A poster on your wall
- Set it as your computer desktop
- Every time you reach a goal:
You Will:
- Celebrate and/or reward yourself
- Keep a list of all your achieved goals
- Continually set new motivating goals
Part 1: Identifying Weakness
Three main excuses I have used in the past to avoid accepting responsibility for my situation are:
Three things I have identified that I need to accept responsibility for this week are:
Things I realize are beyond my control are:
Part 2: Setting goals:
The main triggers behind my need to transform are:
In the past, what have I been feeling and how has this influenced my decision to transform:
1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________
The main changes I will have made that ensure I SEE my goals daily are:
1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________
The emotionally powered Short and Long Term goals I have set are:
Long Term:
Short Term:
How I will measure these goals & how frequently I will measure my progress:
Realistic deadlines I have set for these goals are:
Long Term: _________________________________________________________________________
Short Term: _________________________________________________________________________
Attach emotional reasons to my Long Term goal:
How I will reward myself when I achieve a goal:
My realistic body fat % goal to reach by the end of my transformation is:
Part 3: Mindset/Affirmations/Dreamboard:
Previous mindset/beliefs that have inhibited my ability to change in the past are:
Three positive powerful statements which will drive my transformation are = Affirmations:
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________
Things I can place images of on my dream board to gather powerful motivation and inspire me are:
Part 2: Looking forward:
Places that I feel support my transformation journey are:
A place(s) I can identify as not supporting my transformation is:
The most important positively influencing people I must stay in contact with throughout my transformation journey are: